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SeisPrho: an interactive computer program for processing and interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles.

SeisPrho is an interactive computer program for processing and interpreting high-resolution seismic reflection profiles developed using the Delphi/Kylix multiplatform programming environment; for this reason it is available under Windows and Linux operating systems. The program allows the users to handle SEG-Y data files (and other non-standard formats) carrying out a processing sequence over the data to obtain, as final result, bitmap images of seismic sections. Some basic algorithms are implemented, including filtering and deconvolution; however, the main feature of SeisPrho is its interactive graphic interface, that provides the user with several tools for interpreting the data, such as reflector picking and map digitizing. Moreover, the program allows importing and geo-referencing maps and seismic profiles in the form of digital images. Trace-by-trace analysis of seismic signal and sea-bottom reflectivity is also implemented, as well as other special functions such as compilation of time-slice maps from close-spaced grids of seismic lines.



SeisPrho is distributed as public domain software for non-commercial purposes by the Marine Geology division of the Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR-CNR).

You can download it following this link.




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