Author: Giuseppe Stanghellini
Description: Sophia is a software able to do 3D realtime visualization of morpho-bathymetric data or more in general of any well structured surface on XYZ space. It is able to deal with geographic data, supporting most of the more used geographical projections, it support NETCDF and COOARDS file format as well as ASCII file format to allow an easy import of existent data.
It is programmed in C++ using the OpenGL library and the wxWidget toolkit that are two multiplatform libraries making sophia multiplatform too, in fact it has been succesfully compiled in Linux (the operating system used to actually develop it), Windows and OSX.
From the main characteristics of Sophia we can cite (in no order):
1) OpenGL layer with multiple lightining enabled rendering.
2) Multiple color palette builtin.
3) Full mouse control with real time visualization.
4) Support for COOARDS and NETCDF format file, input and output.
5) Support for plain ASCII file input and output.
6) Internal scripting language to control the application programmatically.
7) Listening on TCP/IP socket for geographical coordinates coming from a GPS, for realtime bottom visualization while in navigation.
8) Full mouse selection into the 3D window.
9) Basic filtering system builtin, extensible by the user.
9) Plugin system allowing the advanced users to develop its own extensions to the filtering capabilities of the application and load them at runtime.
10) Video recording capabilities for making your own animations, and much more ....
The software can be obtained by submitting a request to Giuseppe Stanghellini at ISMAR - CNR.